you're the one for me >> Hi. You've stopped at this year's up to date shiets of my life. For the dipwads, navigate with the arrow near the title above. Hello. You landed at and you probably know that already. DON'T copy/rip/steal anything here, mess my tagboard with nonsense/spam (if you do I'll ban you. OR I WOULD MESS YOURS AS WELL >:-DDD) DO drop a tag, follow my blog, or follow me on facebook. ENJOY! Thanks much ;D :D Experiment [failed] / Yonna , 朴信惠 & 黄泰京 / World Change / Piano Exam / Random Post / 想念快乐 / Stay tuned / Fustrated / Superb tired enough~ / 5. 10. 2010 办完所有的事后, 便回到课室了, 已进到, " 自己找位坐..." 当场炸掉... / July 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 February 2011 |
Experiment [failed] / Wednesday, February 2 @ 12:25 AM
I had pass through a nice afternoon with my darling Michelle C.
It should be a nice afternoon.... But, I went to Michelle C. house to do some experiment... First, we do the "magic experiment" of the ketchup moving up and down easily by using your hand to control it.. The stupid Computer teach us how to do it... As a result, no matter how we do it... The ketchup won't go up!!! We're frustrated!!! Ah!! But, at least we done sucsess an boring experiment... haiz~ Help us..
Yonna , 朴信惠 & 黄泰京 / Monday, November 29 @ 7:45 AM
World Change / Saturday, November 27 @ 8:56 PM
World Change, I'm kinda a freak, I don't know what am i doing now... Crying?Scolding?Happying?Mooning?Selfishing?Stupiding?Idioting?Crazying? What am i? I... I think, I am not me anymore, I am just a thing, I don't know what, I just being use or just be make fun of, What kinda world is this? It change, You, Don't trust me anymore, I know you are seeing this, I tired to being explain, Just go think, You think what i am , That is what i am, Don't try to say sorry, You didn't sorry for me, You just sorry for yourself, Think about it. Michelle Chee, What are they? Why? I gonna tell you all the things when i met you again... Promise*
Piano Exam / Monday, November 22 @ 7:04 PM
Yesterday, 10 am, I was rushing to Penang to get the piano exam, I was througly mess up... I got an E flat major on the improvisation! I gonna died... I really died... Three flat on it, My friends just got an G major an F major! It was so so so easy! But... I gonna fail... I gonna cry... I gonna died!!! But, think positively, the pieces and hearing are not bad, I think, Hearing are always my best , Sight reading? I don't know how to say... Let it go... REALLY, REALLY,REALLY, wanna pass... When i was in Grade 5 it is teacher's grade... And now, Kerryn was already in teacher's grade, Me, Grade 6 now... and i gonna take Grade 5 and so on~ Cheer for me! Haha..
Random Post / @ 6:55 PM
Seen some friends keep saying their thought of their friends, gang, darlings, clan, class and others , at their blog, It's holiday now, But seem some, many people is not so happy because their leaving their friends, They keep saying their memory and things that happened when they were together, Everyone was so so so sad, Maybe they have to separate with their beloved friends, Me too, I am too, Everyone too, We had the most valuable memory with our classmates and darling, We love them, Miss them a lot, But, We can't stay in same class that make us disappoint a lot, We're friends, We're not separatable, We stick together, Always and forever, But, The school rules~ Haiz... We have to follow this stupid school rules~ But, I know, Friendship will last longer than we thought~ I love My Friends, See you guys again!
想念快乐 / Friday, November 5 @ 2:52 AM
于轩, 怎么办? 我竟然进2B1, 可是我什么主科也没fail啊... 怎么会进这班呢? 唯一令我高兴的是跟你同班, 真的很希望那个成绩是还没确定的, 313/612耶... 我要进A班的... 神明保佑...
Stay tuned / Wednesday, November 3 @ 10:48 PM
Hi guys , Stay Tuned for my next post : 1)Photo when i was a baby 2)Photo when i was 10 month 3)Photo when i was still small 4)Photo of my brother when they are still small 5)Jia Chian's and my tadika Photos 6)Singapore Trip when i was a kid I knew i look ugly when i was small... But,I was just sharing to you guys...
Fustrated / @ 2:02 AM
Why i have such brother? Why i have such brother? Why?!? Can anybody tell me why? Tell ME!!! Why... I done my best to be a prefect sister and you two.. Have you thank me... I always lending you guys my laptop... Whatever you guys say... I will did my best to keep you both happy... But, Why you guys ... argh... I always cry beause of you two... You guys never ever let be happy forever... You guys never appreciate it.... I'm very dissapointed... I cannot trust in you two... You guys wanna drive me crazy... But, What can i do? You're my brothers... I really can't do anything except crying in the pillow... Hey, I don't have any sister to share my thing... You two can, You two can share anything together... Me?? Nothing... You want me to talk to myself like a crazy people? Never okay?!? My dearest Michelle, Where are you? Need you so much... Only you can let me happy again...
Superb tired enough~ / Sunday, October 31 @ 1:40 AM
Hi again guys, sorry for late updates... my mind were taken all by the Lisan and most important one [ Mini Sketch ]~ really super tired... and lately, i wanna have exam for piano... my mum say i have to practise all day... without her permission, i couldn't leave the chair... nearly crazy... my hand was pain... luckily she have let me rest for a while... phew~ the exam is this coming 21, 22, 23 November~ god bless me~ And i hope that our Mini Sketch... can win... god bless us too... gambateh to all... Cheng Yi & Zhuang Yu: Narrators~ hope you guys speak well... gambateh~ Chew Weng: don't laugh when u do "that" thing... don't be too over... i have heart attack later that Mini Sketch~ hehe~ Ting Sen & Ding Jun: Both of you don't sounds good... you two better train it... before it is too late... gambateh~ Darryl & Chia Hui: Teachers!! haha~have a nice day you two~ gambateh~ Yoke Theng: Don't be too handsome and forget the skript~ remember to wear long pants~ gambateh~~ love you~ Time passes superb duperb fast, appreciate it before you loss it~
/ Monday, October 11 @ 10:56 AM
5. 10. 2010 办完所有的事后, 便回到课室了, 已进到, " 自己找位坐..." 当场炸掉, 因为当时, 课室都坐满人了 突然, “雯霏!” 望过去, 果然是好姐妹替我留住了位子, 五个好姐妹一起坐, 后面又有几个guailan仔, 那天真是...爽...呵呵 那天全部人都很guai lan... 6. 10. 2010 今天也照旧, 大伙一起开开心心唱歌, 首先, 看到ding jun, zhuang yu & chia hui... 我们就唱, [甜蜜蜜] 接下来, 到了数学节, 他们说老师叫做Siti... 我们后面又再唱黄明志的... [呐] 呵呵... 接下来, 我一时嘴快, 问了老师有没有男朋友... 老师拿起了她的手, 给我们看他的戒指... 全班人:“哇...cikgu...." 谁知老师反过来问我有没有男朋友, 我直接deh diao... 芷倩叫我唱... [ I Don't wan a boyfriend] phew~ 接着, 凯汶过来, 我就唱, [回忆过去痛苦的相思忘不了...] 秋荣唱, [baby, 你就是我的唯一...] 凯汶直接没话讲... 接下来的废事就不提了... end wif blur blur me~
/ @ 10:32 AM
泡沫之夏... 记得洛熙说过, 我以前每次都是被人抛弃... 现在, 我要先退出。 想了又想, 咳... 有一点怕怕... 算了, 不去想就没事了。
frenz / Monday, October 4 @ 9:21 AM
Kiss The rain... / Sunday, October 3 @ 1:50 PM
la la la lalalala.... lala lala lalalala.... wow... KISS THE RAIN... a touching song~ imma will play it on my own piano~ i swear it~ it was so nice... althought it was in a E flat sharp major minor... i noe i can do it~ haha xoxo~~ in this few days... i miss a fren... Yi-Xuan... when will u cum back to my side? u noe i will always need u~ haiz... hope all my frenz happy all day muz be happy ya =)
/ Monday, September 27 @ 8:36 AM
hi, this is me, i m wearing a evening gown, 4 my cousin birthday, well, i have to e her ban4 niang2... nt juz me la, jia chian is a pair wif me... we wear same gown...same shoes... all same... haha^^ hope i will get good results... god bless me~~
Gaaz~ / Wednesday, September 22 @ 12:15 PM
hehe, hi guys again... exam is juz around the corner, i had to be working hard at my results~ haiz.. poor at BM, BC and KH... Zi Qian... we had to work hard la.. bt i noe u can de... thanks 4 always being my study partner at class... Michelle... U say u dunwan 2 go to 2BX... U wanna go to 2AX... me too... work hard 4 it ya... N to everybody... add oil... add oil... +u+u~~ stay tuned 4 post next next week after the test~ bye~good nite^^
爱与喜欢的差别 / Monday, September 20 @ 1:25 PM
面对心爱的人,你的心跳会加速 然而面对喜欢的人,你只会兴高采烈 面对心爱的人,冬天就像春天 然而面对喜欢的人,冬天是个美丽的冬天 假如你凝视的是心爱的人,你会脸红 但假如你凝视是的喜欢的人,你会微笑 面对心爱的人,你不能说出心里的一切 然后面对喜欢的人,你言无不尽 面对心爱的人,你容易害羞 然而面对喜欢的人,你能展现真实的自我 心爱的人时刻萦绕在你心头,你不能直视心爱的人的眼睛 而你却能欣然迎接喜欢的人的目光 当心爱的人哭泣,你会一同落泪 而你喜欢的人哭泣,你会停下来安慰 爱的感觉源自眼睛 而你喜欢的感觉源自于耳朵 所以如果你不再喜欢你喜欢的人,你只需要堵住耳朵 但是如果你试图闭上眼睛,爱便会化做一滴泪水,永远留在你的心中
这个才是男朋友~ / @ 1:23 PM
男朋友就是为了陪你而放弃了他最爱的玩游戏、打篮球的那个人 男朋友就是每天不厌其烦的陪你吃饭、打水、散步、自习、送你回宿舍(家)的那个人 男朋友就是虽然身上没什么钱,也会请你吃饭的那个人 男朋友就是早晨你醒来时第一个想到的那个人 男朋友就是能跟你打电话聊到半夜都舍不得挂的那个人 男朋友就是在你最艰难的时候陪伴在你身边的那个人 男朋友就是为了不让你担心,无论出了什么事都要自己默默承担的那个人 男朋友就是手机里总是存满你给他发的短信,直到信箱满了都舍不得删掉的那个人 男朋友就是无论你是不是漂亮都会夸赞你漂亮的那个人 男朋友就是以玩游戏为由察看你的手机纪录,确信跟你常联系的都是你的女性朋友才放心的那个人 男朋友就是学会唱他认为好听的歌,然后在你耳边唱给你听的那个人 男朋友就是努力做到让你用崇拜的眼光来看他的那个人 男朋友就是在你任性、耍小脾气时,也会忍住脾气不会冲你发火的那个人 男朋友就是看到你流泪时,为你擦去泪水给你一个温暖拥抱的那个人 男朋友就是就算你犯了错误,也舍不得骂你的那个人 男朋友就是可以在车站等你很久也不会介意的那个人 男朋友就是明明最不喜欢逛街,还能陪你一家一家的逛到你觉得满意为止的那个人 男朋友就是最爱在你面前展露他的本领的那个人 男朋友就是有着宽厚的肩膀可以让你随时依靠的那个人 男朋友就是吃饭时放慢速度等你的那个人 男朋友就是总是让你走在马路内侧的那个人 男朋友就是过马路时会紧紧拉住你的手的人 男朋友就是就算情人节也不会买花给你,让你对他又爱又气的那个人 男朋友就是深夜为你开着手机的那个人 男朋友就是用自行车带你出去兜风的那个人
sorry guys~ / @ 1:13 PM
my frenz say i din update... Ok... I update now lo... Or it will have mould later... At first, Talk bout some of my daily need's frenz... First, Yi-xuan is da name... She is a pretty girl... She is nice too... She treat nice and gentle enough... We shares secrets together... We trust each other very much... We never lie to each other... My secrets is safe at her place... She never splits it out... When I m sad... She will do her best to keep me cheer up... Tat's wat frenz should do... I love her so much... Second, Jia chian is da name... She keeps my secrets safe 2... She helps me a lot... When I m in trouble... She won run away... She will stay in front of me until ma troubles off... She really do A good fren... I love her ... Third, Zi Qian is da name... She was a good fren in deed... She looks nice 2... She will comforts me until I happy again... Love her... Fourth, Cheng Yi, She's a nice girl, a pretty one 2... When i was very very sad bout sumthing, she will always lend me her ears, listen all the things i tell her, she will always protect my secret, i love her~so much... Fifth, Michelle Toh is da name, she's my good fren 2, she shares secrets w/ me, we trust each other very good... she will always be my good fren, always... Sixth, Eileen is da name, She was a cute n pretty girl too, She will stay at my side support me, She is one of my good frens 2~ Last, wanna say is, thanks 2 my 2 darlings, Hooi Yee, Ai Xuen, Without u guys, there won have Wen Fei here, now. When i m sad, helpless, i m thoughtness, who can help me? nobody... when i think of my 2 backups, that is u 2... I LOVE U GUYS~~
/ Friday, September 3 @ 8:19 PM
芯沂, 我知道, 你不是故意的, 没有人一生下来, 就那样, 我明白, 我也有错, 我们继续做好朋友, 真正的好朋友。
hi again^^ / @ 7:55 AM
对不起, 我之前, 说话太重了。 一点也没有考虑你的处境, 我真的是气昏头, 想跟你说, 对不起, 我知道, 我说什么都没用, 你不会原谅我, 不过, 我还是要说。 还有, 徐某某。。。 非常对不起, 真的对不起, 对不起, 对不起, 我保证, 以后不会发生这种事了, 真的, 对不起 还有, 陈某某, 我再警告你多一次, 不要再发短讯给我了! 你知道你很烦么? 你知道, 你再将继续下去, 不止我遭殃, 你也遭殃, 请你停止... 谢谢你合作...
/ Thursday, September 2 @ 3:51 AM
在别人眼中, 我不是谁的朋友, 我的好朋友, 只不过有几个, 不过, 他们都很好, 很关心我, 他们才是真正的朋友。 朋友, 是在你困难时, 帮助你, 关心你, 问候你, 保护你, 听你说心事, 听你诉苦, 陪伴你, 不会抛弃你。 不像有些人, 假惺惺的, 在你困难时, 落井下石, 隔岸观火, 甚至抛弃你, 不理你, 让你自己跌入火坑, 他们都不在乎。 于轩,庆瑜,芷倩,毓婷,嘉倩, 真的很谢谢你们, 在我烦恼时, 你们真的很努力很努力在帮我, 让我摆脱烦恼, 尤其是关于“男女”之间的事, 你们真的开导我很多... 我好爱你们... 你们才是真正的朋友。 这个时刻, 我终于都懂了, 你和我, 只是泛泛之交, 没有了你, 我过得跟好____
...wakawaka~~ / @ 10:43 AM leh hor... erm...nth 2 rite leh... juz a bunch of prefect work & homework & results lo~~ ok...let me annouce my results~ again~56% bc...dunno gok~ bi...ok...improve le~80% math...dunno gok~ sc...improve 2...happy+ing~91% geo...everyone thinks very hard lo~84% kh...most happy one~70%[ cause improve so much...from fail to pass!!!] sejarah...haiz~still nt improve at all~67% here my "good" results lo~although sum gt improve lo~~ n to my dear ting~ dun think 2 much 4 the shit la~ later hurt tiok urself nia~~ me n zi qian will always support u de~ n to my darling hooi yee~ dun felt sad 4 ur results le... me too very sad ok? if u wanna cry...find me ok? i will cry wif u de... i will nt left u alone de...sayang har~ n to my mui mui~zi qian~ dun b angry cause ppl talk about u n sumone else~ they all sohai nia~ dun chap them~they eat wrong medicine liao~ n to my dear ge ge~chew weng~ u muz go pujuk my dear da4 sao3... i noe she very sad of her results~ into the toilet!...crush the door!...grab her into ur arms!...let her stop her tears!... that is ur only duty! n to jj~ hope u recover soon...c u at skul~ [all rights reserved]
Damn Result~ / Wednesday, July 7 @ 7:35 PM
haiz... bm...54% bc...63% bi...63% kh...57% sj...67% math...89% geo...90% seni....21/40 sivik&moral...78% haiz.... wanna cry now.... wat a lame result is tis!!! arghhh....lame... bt i sure will add oil... hope next time could make a better result.... aiyo...i m thinking of him again.... can't resist myself... write till here.... Bye~
Hi Guys~ / Tuesday, July 6 @ 11:57 PM
aloha~my frenz~ here's my new blog... juz wanna tell u... how much u hate me... i dun care at all.. juz dun dirty my blog... dun write nonsence... think carefully before u comment... thanks 4 ur cooperation... n remember... this blog is copyright reserved by... WEN FEI~ |