you're the one for me >> Hi. You've stopped at this year's up to date shiets of my life. For the dipwads, navigate with the arrow near the title above. Hello. You landed at and you probably know that already. DON'T copy/rip/steal anything here, mess my tagboard with nonsense/spam (if you do I'll ban you. OR I WOULD MESS YOURS AS WELL >:-DDD) DO drop a tag, follow my blog, or follow me on facebook. ENJOY! Thanks much ;D :D 泡沫之夏... 记得洛熙说过, 我以前每次都是被人抛弃... 现在, 我要先退出。 想了又想, ... / frenz / tatatata~~ haha^^ / Kiss The rain... / hi,this is me,i m wearing a evening gown,4 my cous... / Gaaz~ / 爱与喜欢的差别 / 这个才是男朋友~ / sorry guys~ / 芯沂, 我知道, 你不是故意的, 没有人一生下来, 就那样, 我明白, 我也有错, 我们继续做好朋友... / |
/ Monday, October 11 @ 10:56 AM
5. 10. 2010 办完所有的事后, 便回到课室了, 已进到, " 自己找位坐..." 当场炸掉, 因为当时, 课室都坐满人了 突然, “雯霏!” 望过去, 果然是好姐妹替我留住了位子, 五个好姐妹一起坐, 后面又有几个guailan仔, 那天真是...爽...呵呵 那天全部人都很guai lan... 6. 10. 2010 今天也照旧, 大伙一起开开心心唱歌, 首先, 看到ding jun, zhuang yu & chia hui... 我们就唱, [甜蜜蜜] 接下来, 到了数学节, 他们说老师叫做Siti... 我们后面又再唱黄明志的... [呐] 呵呵... 接下来, 我一时嘴快, 问了老师有没有男朋友... 老师拿起了她的手, 给我们看他的戒指... 全班人:“哇...cikgu...." 谁知老师反过来问我有没有男朋友, 我直接deh diao... 芷倩叫我唱... [ I Don't wan a boyfriend] phew~ 接着, 凯汶过来, 我就唱, [回忆过去痛苦的相思忘不了...] 秋荣唱, [baby, 你就是我的唯一...] 凯汶直接没话讲... 接下来的废事就不提了... end wif blur blur me~ |